To be updated
Inverting the Pyramid of Antenatal Care
Basics of Laparoscopy
Endometriosis & Infertilty
Endometrioma & Infertility
Adenomyosis & Infertility: Solving the Dilemma
Amniotic fluid: Too much/too less
Pravah - A Stream of Knowledge
Mastering Challenges in Endoscopy
Myoma & Infertility
Multiple Submucus Myoma in Unmarried Young Girl
Mastering the challenges in Endoscopy
TLH For Adenomyosis with Previous 2 LSCS & LAP Myomectomy
Inverting The Pyramid of Antenatal Care
Myoma in infertility - Which & how?
Myoma in infertility Which and how?
Amniotic Fluid- Too much ,Too less
Oocyte retrieval
Optimising Outcomes of IUI
Pre-conceptional interventions to improve Post-conceptional Outcomes
Mastering Challenges in Practices
Fibroids & Infertility
Painting the art of laparoscopic myomectomy
Mastering the Art of Myomectomy
How to do good Laparoscopic myomectomy
Genital Tuberculosis And Infertility: 21st Century
Optimise Uterine Cavity Resectio of Submucous Myoma & Polyp
Optimising IUI
Oocyte Retrieval, success & preventing complications
Litigation free endoscopy for 27 years: Magic Mantra
Painting an Art of Lap Myomectomy
Optimising Results in IUI
Ovarian Rejuvenation
Conquering The Difficult TLH